OpenLiteSpeed WordPress

OpenLiteSpeed WordPress

OpenLiteSpeed is an easy-to-use, Open Source edition of LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise. It comes with a powerful cache engine, community support, and unlimited worker processes. OpenLiteSpeed (OLS) comprises all of the essential features, including HTTP/3 support. It delivers enormous scalability and provides an accelerated hosting platform for WordPress.

Packages Included

Package Version License
OpenLiteSpeed 1.7.16 GPLv3
WordPress 6.0 GPLv2
MariaDB 10.6.8 GPL
Certbot 0.40.0 Apache2
PHP 8.1.6 Custom

Getting Started

  1. WordPress is available at port 80 , e.g.
    http://<OpenLiteSpeed WordPress Instance Ipv4>:80

  2. OpenLiteSpeed Web console can be accessed at port 7080 , e.g.
    http://<OpenLiteSpeed WordPress Instance Ipv4>:7080

  3. Passwords for OpenLiteSpeed Web admin, Mysql root, and WordPress are written to file: /usr/local/lsws/password

  4. To generate SSL certificates using Let's Encrypt, run /root/

    Note: OpenLiteSpeed WordPress installation may take 2 to 5 mins based on the system resources.